VanZeggelenArt 2024

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a street art project i.c.w. local residents and colleague and fellow neighbour Brigit Daamen that takes place on the street in the Van Zeggelenbuurt, Haarlem. Because there are no official public artworks in the neighbourhood and it is nice if more people in the neighbourhood get to know and appreciate each other

Hans and Brigit organize walk-in workshops on the street where, together with passers-by, they up-cycle 2nd hand porcelain figurines with paint, felt or other materials. For each finished figurine a nice exhibition spot is found on the street and left there. What happens to it is left to chance.

you can follow the project through the Facebook group There you can soon find out what the plans are for summer 2025

client Foundation Squares, Dots + Lines

supported by Culture Stimulation Fund Municipality of Haarlem, Turquoise Foundation

blue chalk draw 2024

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Drawing Dialogues in Amsterdam, Haarlem and Antwerp as a result of a open call by Hans on social media. Rain washed away the drawings

Hans collaborates with Simone de Groot, Klaartje Dullemond, Liesje van den Berk, Jan-Willem Doornenbal, Angela Jarms, Brigit Daamen + Luca, Gulsum Ozgul, ArtTelex, Griet Verschueren, Roelie de Jaeger, Karin de Vylder, Lies van Assche, Tine Godts en Vivianne Cammers

PINK de Thierrystreet, Haarlem 2023

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the residents of the Spaarnrijkstraat in Haarlem are invited by Hans to come up with ideas for an urban art event in their own street. After a programme of workshops, brainstorming sessions and excursions, they execute all the plans together on October 7 as a tribute to artist PINK de Thierry (1943-2023). She was born in the Spaarnrijkstraat and in 1983 she performed the project "Video Sketchbook": she lived with her husband and child for 12 days in 12 houses in the Spaarnrijkstraat

following the urban art project with the residents, Hans made the short film: 'Video Sketchbook'. English translation under construction

client Squares, Dots + Lines Foundation

collaboration with Rebup Foundation (Marion van der Vegt) and BaO Foundation (Donald Louw)

supported by Fund for Cultural Participation, Culture Fund, J.C. Ruigrok foundation, Culture Stimulation Fund Municipality of Haarlem, Turquoise Foundation, Rebup,
Squares Dots + Lines

special thanks to Frans Hals Museum Haarlem, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Verhalenhuis Haarlem, residents of the Spaarnrijkstraat Haarlem

Op Dreef Met Zocher 2023

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Op Dreef Met Zocher is an urban art project in which young people actively relate to the works of art on and around the Dreef in Haarlem. By working with art, culture and nature, young people learn to look differently at their surroundings. This allows them to take more active ownership of their own environment. By creating urban art in their own environment, the street becomes more of the young people themselves

the youth participated in theorie-workshops and exercises in urban art, designing a painting for birdhouses. Workshops on art and language resulted in handwritten letters (with crown pen and ink) to the artists who made the sculptures on the Dreef. Everything culminated in the installation of the birdhouses-artworks on the Dreef and in the Haarlemmer Hout. There they remained all summer.

the exhibition at De Kloostergangen, Grote Markt 2, Haarlem featured not only portraits of the young artists but also their works. Urban art experiments on location, painted birdhouses and collages on display by Lindsey Reijsoo, Kiyan Sadigh Azadi, Aleksandr Sidorenko , Candy Donkor, Caitlynn Edouard, Jaiden Edouard, Barosa Khalaj Hedayati, Madelief Stoevelaar, Danisha Toensi, Ivanna Buniak, Gracia Bosman, Ayman Dahaoui & Walid El Sayed, Whitney De Leon Roa, Roel Ebbinge, Hans Bossmann, Marion van der Vegt

artists of artist society KZOD connect with young people with their work: Eveline JJ, Maria Niessen, Rosa Navarro, Mark Thatcher, Connie Vlasveld

client Squares, Dots + Lines Foundation

collaboration with Marion van der Vegt Rebup Foundation en kunstenaarsvereniging KZOD

supported by Fund for Cultural Participation, Culture Fund, J.C. Ruigrok foundation, Culture Stimulation Fund Municipality of Haarlem, Rebup, Squares Dots + Lines

photo's by Roel Ebbinge and Hans Bossmann

made with public 2023

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exhibition with artworks created together with the public between 2013 and 2023, from Haarlem (NL) to Antwerp (BE), from Rotterdam (NL) to Brisbane (AU). In ten years, a collection has emerged from which a selection is shown in this extraordinary art space

launched new Drawing Dialogues co-creation projects together with visitors (Antwerp station and self-portraits on mirrors)

artspace Arttelex, Oude Beurs 39, Antwerp, Belgium

artist for sale 2022

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Hans offers himself as an artist for sale in a shop window. Buyers can do with him what they did not think possible or dare to do until now. Hans asks: what would you want to do or make if you could do and make anything you wanted?

Hans communicates with passersby via handwritten text signs. Some call him (his no was on the window) or join him in the window to talk options. Many people take a picture or selfie with him in the window

Client Artspace De Vishal Haarlem (NL)

mobile street studio 2022

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Hans travels through Haarlem for a month with his mobile street studio. He invites passers-by to make or do something together on the spot.

in the street studio is a wide range of materials and tools available for the public to make whatever they want

supported by Culture Stimulation Fund Municipality of Haarlem

four ladies 2021

the creation lab is a multidisciplinary workshop during the summer academy organized by De Veerman and Destelheide. Participants Kris Philips, Karin Ryckaert, Katrien Smeyers, Hedwig Bogaerts and Hans want to make people on the street smile. The four ladies and Hans work together as one artist.

  • public interventions in park Koekelberg, Brussels (BE)

  • exhibition in the Zoniën Forest, Brussels (BE)

client De Veerman, Antwerpen and Destelheide, Dworp (BE)

United Objects Antwerp 2019-2020

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from September 2019 to December 2020 Hans is artist in residence at art organization De Veerman

In United Objects, objects are given a new meaning and future in collaboration with the public. The objects come from the Jaap Kruithof Philosophical Collection owned by the MAS (Museum aan de Stroom)

in recycling stores, library, community centers and in the MAS museum, Hans, passers-by and visitors draw together squares on square tables. Hans invites the public to take home a Kruithof object to make drawing on it. The participants will come to the MAS with the Kruithof object they made a drawing on, for the exhibition “Reunion of Kruithof Objects”. At the end of this 2-hour exhibition, the Kruithof object-drawings will be left outside on the streets, in the center of Antwerp. From there they will go on to an unknown future

client art organization De Veerman, Antwerp (BE)

samenwerking met De Veerman, cultureel ontmoetingscentrum ‘t Werkhuys, bibliotheek Permeke, Kringwinkels, Ontmoetingscentrum NOVA, MAS (Museum aan de Stroom), Oxot, Antwerpen (BE)

supported by De Veerman, Royal Embassy the Netherlands in Brussels, City of Antwerp (BE)

A Small History of United Objects 2020

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exhibition with object-drawings from United Objects Antwerp and previous projects in which Hans worked with audiences

client Cultural Meeting Center NOVA, Antwerp (BE)

support of arts organization De Veerman, Royal Embassy Netherlands Brussels, City of Antwerp

book United Objects Antwerp 2020

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book United Objects Antwerp - Dutch language only

  • texts by Tijl Bossuyt, Erik Hagoort and Hans Bossmann

  • 100 pages full color, size 17 x 24 cm

  • design by Gezeever, Antwerp

open and download the publication as free pdf (Dutch tongue only)

client De Veerman, Antwerp (BE)

supported by De Veerman, Gezeever, City of Antwerp (BE)

Art is public space 2019

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students from class 3 of the Stedelijk Gymnasium in Haarlem created a ceramic work of art, exhibited it outdoors in the city center and left it there. Five contemporary artists provided a guest lesson and did the same.

client Kunstlijn Haarlem

collaboration with Stedelijk Gymnasium Haarlem, Rosa Sijben, Tessa Biemans, Eef Veldkamp, Jeroen Jongeleen, Maarten Bel

supported by Municipality of Haarlem, JC Ruigrokfoundation, Stedelijk Gymnasium Haarlem and foundation Squares, Dots + Lines

Self-portraits of Delfshaven 2019

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theater maker Brecht Hermans and Hans travel into Delfshaven neighborhood with an inclusive group of actors with and without disabilities from Theatre Babel Rotterdam. At fifteen meeting places, together with residents and visitors, they draw on XXL furniture and collect stories about the places, the people and Delfshaven. In short stories, Brecht writes poetic portraits of the encounters. All stories can be found on the website of the project (Dutch tongue only)

through the project, local residents meet each other and find their way to more meeting places in the area. In this way more connection can arise between people and organizations.

clients Foundation Squares Dots + Lines and Theatre Babel Rotterdam

collaboration with Brecht Hermans, Theatre Babel Rotterdam and the meeting places and Kunstblock

supported by VSB Fund, Elize Mathilde Fund, Municipality of Rotterdam, Deltaport Donation Fund

Public Studio Brisbane 2019

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at the library, a neighborhood cafe and a community center in Brisbane, Australia, Hans invites passersby to draw squares and dots together on square tables. He films the encounters with his cell phone

video editor Mirna Ligthart

coloring picture 2018-2019

drawings by young pupils of cultural center ter Dilft, Bornem (BE) were photoshopped by the teachers into large color plates and printed. Hans gets to take one to the Odensehuis in Haarlem. The Odensehuis is a meeting place for people with incipient dementia and their caregivers

volunteers and visitors of the Odensehuis color the drawing and make a nice frame for it. Counsilor for culture Marie-Thérèse Meijs unveils the piece together with Hans on 27-2-2019

client Odensehuis Haarlem

artist statement

United Squares, Dots + Lines 2018

festival Parksessions takes Hans' work as a starting point for the design for edition 2018. Poster, program booklet, website and decor are conceived and designed by the festival team. The team is the artist, Hans may invite the festival audience to signify the larger-than-life set pieces with thick black markers

client Parksessions festival Haarlem

support of artspace De Vishal and office bookstore Muijs Haarlem

with thanks to Loes Pas

Self-portraits of Het Oude Westen 2018

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a five-week journey through Rotterdam's Oude Westen neighborhood with theater-maker Brecht Hermans. Brecht and Hans take a cart with materials from one meeting place to another. At a dozen meeting places for/by residents they draw abstract patterns on utensils together with residents, volunteers and visitors. At each location, the people who participate write their names on the cart: the Namenkar. In short stories Brecht writes poetic portraits of the encounters. All stories can be found at the project website (Dutch tongue only)

in the first living exhibition, all the objects with drawings on it are collected and the recorded stories are performed in the neighborhood playground. The second exhibition takes place in exhibition space WORM-Slash Gallery. A third exhibition is at Museum Rotterdam in the context of living heritage

the Namenkar is included in the museum collection by Museum Rotterdam in the Real Rotterdam Heritage collection. Since the closure of the museum in 2020 the Namenkar is in use as a multifunctional cabinet at community center Aktiegroep het Oude Westen

publication in collaboration with REALmag

video documentary by A Small Production Company

client foundation Squares Dots + Lines

support from Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie, Stichting Bevordering van Volkskracht, Erasmusstichting

thanks to Joke van der Zwaard (Leeszaal West Rotterdam), REALmag, WORM, Buurtkrant Oude Westen, Oude Westen TV and Museum Rotterdam

1HOURartshows Bornem (BE) 2018

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In 1HOURartshows, artists themselves show a work of art to the public and passers-by. Artists recite their own work during one hour, act as the plinth of their work so to speak: artist and work become one.
1HOURartshows Bornem are organised to give an idea of the future art programming during the opening of the new culture building cc ter Dilft.
Participants amongst others: Kristof van Gelder, Katrien Oosterlinck, Christine Clinckx, Vaast Colson, Margot Dieleman, Rosa Sijben, Maarten Bel, Reinaart Vanhoe, Eef Veldkamp, Eline de Bruijn and 16 non-prof artists.

We Are Public Studio 2018

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This Studio supports the launch campaign of We Are Public, Haarlem. From the campaign hotspot on Grote Markt 15, Haarlem, activities are organized to recruit 500 members.
In the end, more than 900 people subscribed.

It is a communication tool, a studio, an exhibition, a meeting place, an open workplace, all in one.

Public Studios 2017

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Hans moves his studio this summer and autumn into public space. He draws on furniture with passers by in a shopping mall, at a festival, Leeszaal Rotterdam West, a Philharmonie and other public places.
Hans says: "People can be reached always and anywhere through mobile technology and social media. But people need each other's company. Instead of consuming only, it's more nice to produce things together."
Up to now more than 700 people have already drew up to twenty pieces of furniture. Experience shows that this way of drawing creates easy encounters in which people listen closely to each other. On the other hand, it is a very relaxing activity. Participants are available in all sizes and colors: children aged 1 to older 99 year people from all corners of the world, rich, poor, healthy or limited. The furniture with drawings is an example of crowd-sourced design. They show the diversity of all these different participants in it

Assistants: Loes Pas, Saji Khazrai
Sponsors: Recycle Stores De Snuffelmug and Rataplan, Carpentry factory van Heerden, Muijs-office supply, Government Haarlem, Nieuwsgierig? and De Schalk coffee and gifts

Hingene (BE) 2016 - 2025

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Art project Red Jacket (Cultuurcentrum ter Dilft, Bornem) invited Hans Bossmann for two days to act as a guest artist. Hans laid stones from the parking lot on all the windowsills in the village of Hingene on 14-10-2016. Since then he has repeated it on the same day every year.
14 October 2025 (the 10th time), a short film about the project will be shown at the Hingene Community House.

The Living Room of Haarlem 2016

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The Living Room of Haarlem is a group show, a shop, a bar, a stage for music and poetry, a cultural center and a house including front garden and bedroom. Hans Bossmann lived and worked five weeks publicly as an embedded artist

Artspace The Vishal, Haarlem
More than 130 participants amongst others:
R. Engelen, M.Creed, J. Bey, K. Black, H. Peeters,
M. Schlatmann, J.M. Armleder, A. Kempenaar, S. De Groot,
F. Hovers, J. Monk, G. FArg, J. Hak, E. Veldkamp,
T. MAhlmann, N. Gieles, T. Bruinsma, S. Hubers, The Syrens, Carly E., M. Hijstek

July, August

View the RTV NH video or scroll down to the documentary by Mirjam van Veelen Film

Documentary video The Living room of Haarlem 2016

About life in The Living room of Haarlem
Time: 4:50 minutes
Video: Mirjam van Veelen Films, 2016
Music: Carly E, J. Severin, J. Henneman
Photo's: videostills

1HOURartshows Arnhem 2016

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In 1HOURartshows, artists themselves show a work of art to the public and passers-by. Artists recite their own work during one hour, act as the plinth of their work so to speak: artist and work become one
1HOURartshows Arnhem are organised to create or intensify links between the ruru huis/ Sonsbeeka16_transACTION, socio-cultural institutions and participating artists: “Make friends, not art”

Six one-hour exhibitions at six different locations. Thirty plus artists participated after a open call, amongst others: vGtO, R. Nahawandi, M. Bosch, blondfabric-madebysoek, M. Hamwi,  E. Bossmann, C. van Lammeren, leden Ruangrupa, M. van der Worm, A. Arts, G. Rets, J. Jouwsma, E. Veldkamp

Spring and autumn

Photos by M. Alshahrour, R. Vanhoe, H. Bossmann,
E. Gonzales

drawing club 2015 - 2016

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Drawing club with (ex) refugees from Iran and Syria. In “relay drawing” the participants pass on their drawing to the person next to them, who then continues the drawing. Drawing doesn't require one to understand each other's language

WonderkamersHaarlem, Haarlem

1HOURartshows Haarlem 2015

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In 1HOURartshows, artists themselves show a work of art to the public and passers-by. Artists recite their own work during one hour, act as the plinth of their work so to speak: artist and work become one

The reasons for organizing this 1HOURartshows:
1.   To link professional artists and their work in various genres and styles within an accessible exhibition concept

2.   To experiment with the boundaries of “indoor art” within the public space

3.   To create goodwill for the work of artists in general and artists' society De Vishal in particular
Five friday-one-hour exhibitions from 4 to 5 PM at Grote Markt, Haarlem

Participants: K. Dullemond, E. Toorenent, S. Ojaghi, W. Faber, N. Willie, S. Blickman, Mobra, R. Jongeling, S. De Groot, I.Meijs, Ambro, blondfabric-MadeBySoek, H.Bossmann

May and June

Photos by M. Haringa, F. van der Erf

public lecture 2015

'The necessity of a curious mentality', an interactive lecture that literally puts the downsides of 'focus' and 'speciality' to the test. What do you see when you look through a tube? You'll only see what you're looking for, nothing new or different

Public library at the Haarlem train station, Kennemerland Library

November 26

Photos by D. Cup

Philosopher's stone 2012 - 2016

Since 2012, Hans Bossmann has been joining forces with visitors and colleagues to make drawings and paintings on furniture. Each piece of furniture serves as a plinth for a sculpture that was made by an (anonymous) amateur artist or child. The furniture is shown and processed in various combinations

Henk = 0 2013

Participation in commemorative event because of death Henk Peeters
Initiated and organized by Topp & Dubio
With, amongst others others: Topp & Dubio, K. Schippers, D. van Kleef J. nephews / LPI, PJ Roggeband.
The Hague, April 20

Course/ workshops re-design 2011

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Workshop as work of art, which sees participants using old articles to create something new. The course/workshops are not included in the exhibition programme, so that visitors to the exhibition and cultural heritage are optimally surprised

Artspace Kunstfort Vijfhuizen

Spring and autumn

ING okA 2009

Students encourage bank employees.
Pressure cooker assignment public event for Experience Management students at the Inholland University of Applied Sciences, which is conducted in public spaces

Video by students among others: Dionne, Khalid, Suzanne, Leontine, Joshua, Ernesto, Benjamin, Mary, Patrick, Rob, Janet Zaira, Ayinda, Rens, Matthew, Stado, Devi, Rodney, Soraya, Robin

ING Zuidplein, Inholland Rotterdam

Jan Lul Goed Spul 2008

The Dutch slogan “Jan Lul Goed Spul” has a somewhat negative yet humorous connotation, along the lines of ‘Danny Dork Quality Work’ or ‘Billy Bore Exciting Store’

Taking the opposite situation as a starting point is a common way of finding solutions. Which name has such a negative association that any passer-by will remember it? Car repair shop ‘Total Loss’, liquor store ‘Free Delirium incl.’, butcher shop ‘The Dog Butcher’. Pub ‘Free Beer Tomorrow’. It's not difficult to evoke negative connotations that are funny as well. The small business owner is afraid of getting a bad reputation, but any form of attention is profitable. Bad advertising is good advertising

Vehicle lettering on delivery van

The Netherlands

Spring, summer 2008

360Es lecture Erasmus Bridge 2014

Public practical seminar in experience communication at the Erasmus Bridge for students at the Inholland University of Applied Sciences and passers-by. The seminar demonstrates the strength of experiences in communication and generates more than 125K in ad value (TV - radio - print - specialist press) for the university of applied sciences. All of the participants have an unforgettable experience

In collaboration with A.Dujardin en T.Peeters

May 19

Daily Without News 1998

Newspaper without text and images. On Saturdays with a supplement without news. Presentation of pilot issue by H. Peeters. The newspaper has become news itself, a German and an English edition were published, the Day Without News took place as a one-off event. The newspaper was used by subscribers and readers for their own activities, such as reading it ostentatiously in the morning train or during an anti consumption day in Germany. The newspaper was discontinued in December

Fan and hate mail, photos and other memorabilia were brought together in the Documentary Exhibition Newspaper Without News

In 1999 the Daily Without News won the Award aNewspaper of the Yeara from the German based Internationale MedienHilfe

Stichting Stilte! Amsterdam, de Tilburgse Kunststichting, Tilburg


Floor drawing 1996

Two-month period of working in public at a former chapel

Ballpoint on cotton and coating

Dimensions: 10 x 20 metres

Opening by writer G. Krol with auction of parts of the floor drawing

Artspace De Achterstraat, Hoorn

Photography by: M. Van der Worm

TEF1Person 1996 - 2000

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The Travelling Exhibition For 1Person is a group exhibition featuring works by 10-15 visual artists/ designers. The exhibition is not open to the public but can be staged in its entirety in a private home or room. Hosted every two months at another private address in the Netherlands or Belgium

Concept and organization: H.Bossmann.
Participants among others: Wasco, M. Ebinger, U. Metzler, L. Bedaux, M. Van der Worm, J. Jongeleen, R. Engelen, Silvia B., R. Vanhoe, J. Bey, P. Spaans, T. Schepens

Client: Stichting Stilte! Amsterdam

Photos: the images photographed from the catalog

Living in public 1982

Living room for one day

The quay of the Waal River, Nijmegen

Say yes now! 2007

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Positive protest that expresses how nice it is to study and work at the Inholland university of applied sciences

Pressure cooker assignment public event for Experience Management students, which is conducted in public spaces

Video by students Hogeschool Inholland Rotterdam

Editing: Pim

December 6

street exhibition 1981

Hans Bossmann's very first exhibition took place outside on the little square between Houtstraat, Lange Hezelstraat and Stikke Hezelstraat, Nijmegen (NL). Five paintings ("Emotion 1-5") on paper were attached to meter boxes and terrace walls with adhesive tape. He retrieved the work in the picture himself after a few days. The other works disappeared.