artist statement

Hans Bossmann is an urban artist, uniting participation with public (co-creation) and street art. He organises surprising situations in public space that connect people. In this way, he creates access to art and artistry for people who have little or no interest in it

the central idea is to consider the public as cooperating co-artists. Together, they create special pieces of work and display them in the public space. In this way, he seeks forms for an aesthetic of kindness and friendliness

the co-creation process gives participants space to strengthen their creative ability, discover talents and share personal thoughts and feelings with others. Their collaboration often contributes to more social cohesion in the public space and to the creation of friendships

in addition to collaborating with the public, in each project he works as much as possible with partner organisations in the field of welfare and culture, such as a thrift shop, community centre library, shopping centre, theatre, cultural centre, museum or church